Wikipedia Scraper Code

Here's a snippet of code that I wrote for Essentially, it uses Selenium and BeautifulSoup to scrape the origin of a musician from

Of course, the process of this script is not as simple as that description makes it out to be. I had to explore edge cases and make a handful of helper functions that allowed this all to run smoothly. For example, what if we wanted to check for Queen's origin? Well, going to would bring us to a disambiguation. In order to get to the Freddie Mercury's Queen, I added a loop that checks for "/Queen (band)" and a function that searches the page for keywords to confirm that the webpage is about the artist.

import requests
import re
from app.scraper.scraper import Scraper
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from app.models import Artist, City, ArtistToCity
from app.scraper.us_state_abbrev import *
from app.scraper.scraper import get
from datetime import datetime
from app import db
class Wikipedia(Scraper):
	def __init__(self): = "Wikipedia Scraper"
		self.extensions = ["", " (band)", " (rapper)", " (singer)"]

	def run(self):
		This function will run the Wikipedia scraper
		1. query artists that have not been scraped
		2. for each artist
		  a. find the Wikipedia page
		  b. confirm that the Wikipedia page is relevant
		  c. collect origin and birthplace data
		  d. try to find the corresponding city_id for those locations
		  e. commit artist_to_city relationship and update wikipedia_last_scraped
		:return: None (but will commit to the Artist.wikipedia_last_scraped)
		# query for artists that haven't been scraped
		artists = Artist.query.filter(Artist.wikipedia_last_scraped == None)\

		for artist in artists:
			print("wikipedia:", artist)
			for extension in self.extensions:
				# get the wikipedia soup, and check if it is of a musician
				soup = self.get_wikipedia_soup( + extension)
				if self.is_page_of_musician(soup):
					# a good Wikipedia page was found for this artist, scrape origin and birthplace
					location_dict = self.get_artist_location(soup)
					if location_dict["origin"] is not None:
						origin_city_id = self.find_city_id_from_str_list(location_dict["origin"])
						if origin_city_id is not None:
							self.commit_artist_to_city(, origin_city_id, "origin")
							print(" - origin found.")
					if location_dict["birthplace"] is not None:
						birthplace_city_id = self.find_city_id_from_str_list(location_dict["birthplace"])
						if birthplace_city_id is not None:
							self.commit_artist_to_city(, birthplace_city_id, "birthplace")
							print(" - birthplace found.")
			# update wikipedia_last_scraped
			a = Artist.query.get(
			a.wikipedia_last_scraped = datetime.utcnow()
	def commit_artist_to_city(self, artist_id, city_id, relationship):
		updates the artist_to_city relationship with the data provided
		:param artist_id: the id of the artist
		:param city_id: the id of the city
		:param relationship: a description of the relationship between artist and city (usually origin or birthplace)
		:return: None (but commits artist_to_city relationship to db)
		a2c = ArtistToCity(artist_id=artist_id, city_id=city_id, description=relationship, is_confirmed=True)
	def get_wikipedia_soup(self, artist_name):
		takes the name of an artist and returns the soup of the corresponding Wikipedia page
		This does not necessarily find the page of an artist! Use is_page_of_musician to confirm or deny
		:param artist_name:
		:return: soup of wikipedia page
		url = '' + artist_name
		response = requests.get(url)
		return BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
	def get_artist_location(self, soup):
		gets origin and birthplace from a wikipedia soup
		:param soup: the soup of a wikipedia page of an artist/musician
		:return: a dictionary with entries for origin and birthplace
			Ex: soup for "Moon Taxi" returns
			{origin: ['Vestavia Hills', 'Alabama', 'United States'],
			 birthplace: None}
		# Get the wikipedia sidebar
		sidebars = soup.find_all('tbody')
		if sidebars is None:
			return None
		artist_data = {
			"origin": None,
			"birthplace": None
		for sb in sidebars:
			for sibling in
				# find the  tag that has Origin
				if repr(sibling)[0:26] == "Origin":
					artist_data["origin"] = self.process_origin_list(sibling.find_all(text=True))
				if repr(sibling)[0:24] == "Born":
					artist_data["birthplace"] = self.process_birthplace_list(sibling.findAll(text=True))
					# TODO break loop when data is found
		return artist_data
	def process_origin_list(self, origin_list):
		process_origin_list: used to clean the strings of an artists origin
		this function is in get_artist_location in order to return a clean list
		:param origin_list: The raw text list that comes from scraping wikipedia
		:return: a cleaned up list of strings that describe a location
		new_list = []
		for el in origin_list:
			if el == 'Origin':
			if ", " in el:
				new_el = el.split(", ")
				for split_str in new_el:
					if split_str != '' and split_str != ',' and el != ' ':
				if el != '' and el != ',' and el != ' ' and not el.startswith('['):
		return new_list
	def process_birthplace_list(self, birthplace_list):
		process_birthplace_list takes the raw text from wikipedias "Born" line and converts it into a list of location
		used in get_artist_location in order to return a clean list
		Ex: ['Born', ' (', '1999-05-25', ') ', 'May 25, 1999', 'Chicago', ', U.S.'] becomes ['Chicago', 'U.S.']
		:param birthplace_list:
		:return: 1
		new_list = []
		for el in birthplace_list:
			if el == "Born":
			if self.is_number_in_string(el):
			if ", " in el:
				new_el = el.split(", ")
				for split_str in new_el:
					if split_str != '' and split_str != ',' and el != ' ' and el != ' (' and el != ') ':
				if el != '' and el != ',' and el != ' ' and not el.startswith('[') and el != ' (' and el != ') ' and el != '(' and el != ')':
		if not new_list:
			return None
		return new_list
	def is_number_in_string(self, inputString):
		:param inputString: a string
		:return: True if any char in inputstring is a number
		return any(char.isdigit() for char in inputString)

	def find_city_id_from_str_list(self, location_list):
		takes a list of strings describing a location and finds the city_id that it represents
		this function will do its best to find a city with limited information
		:param location_list: A list of strings describing a location (Ex: ['San Francisco', 'California', 'US'])
		:return: the city_id that the location_list describes (Ex: 851) or None if not found
		if len(location_list) == 1:
			# try to find city
			city_query = City.query.filter( == location_list[0])
			if city_query.count == 1:
				return city_query.first()
				return None
		elif len(location_list) == 2:
			# assume that location_list = [city, state]
			process_origin = [location_list[0], us_state_abbrev.get(location_list[1], "")]
			city_query = City.query.filter( == process_origin[0], City.state == process_origin[1])
			if city_query.count() == 1:
				return city_query.first().id
			# assume that origin = [city, country]
			process_origin = [location_list[0], country_abbrev.get(location_list[1], "")]
			city_query = City.query.filter( == process_origin[0], == process_origin[1])
			if city_query.count() == 1:
				return city_query.first().id
		elif len(location_list) == 3:
			# assume that origin = [city, state, country]
			if len(location_list[1]) == 2:
				# sometimes the state is already abbreviated and does not need to be changed
				process_origin = [location_list[0], location_list[1], country_abbrev.get(location_list[2], "")]
				process_origin = [location_list[0], us_state_abbrev.get(location_list[1], ""), country_abbrev.get(location_list[2],"")]
			city_query = City.query.filter( == process_origin[0], City.state == process_origin[1])
			if city_query.count() == 1:
				return city_query.first().id
			# assume that origin = [city, country]
			process_origin = [location_list[0], country_abbrev.get(location_list[2], "")]
			city_query = City.query.filter( == process_origin[0], == process_origin[1])
			if city_query.count() == 1:
				return city_query.first().id
			return None
	def is_page_of_musician(self, soup):
		a heuristic to determine if soup is of a wikipedia page for a musician
		:param soup: soup of a wikipedia page
		:return: true if page is of musician, false if not of musician
		result = soup.find(text=[re.compile('discography'), re.compile('Discography'), re.compile('Recordings'), re.compile('Genres')])
		if result:
			return True
		return False